FAQ Library

How do I reprogram a keyless entry remote?

For 1995-1999 J-cars

The keyless entry module is located in the trunk behing the carpet on the drivers side. The connector shown in the picture plugs into the module.

1. Turn the ignition to the OFF position.

2. Jump the 2 terminals located in the program ground connector (4) in order to ground the receiver program terminal.

3. The following conditions indicate that the module is ready to be programmed:

- The door locks will lock.

- The door locks will unlock.

- The rear compartment lid release will cycle.

- The horn chirp will sound.

The above conditions should occur within 2 seconds.

4. Press and hold the LOCK and the UNLOCK buttons simultaneously until the following conditions occur:

- The door locks lock.

- The door locks unlock.

- The rear compartment lid release releases.

- The horn chirp sounds.

The above conditions should occur in approximately 12 seconds. The above conditions verify successful transmitter reprogramming.

5. Repeat the previous step for each of the remaining transmitters.

6. Remove the jumper at the program connector.

7. Verify the proper operation of each transmitter.

For 2000+ J-cars
Take your vehicle to a GM dealer. The Tech 2 Diagnostic Tool is required for reprogramming 2000+ keyless entry remotes.

Thanks to oose for posting this in the forums :)

Print Article

Created: 04-30-2005
Modified: 05-12-2005