Forum | Threads | Posts | Last Post |
General General discussion - questions, comments or anything else that is not covered by any other forum, that is specifically related to J-body automobiles or the J-Body Organization.
3001 | 60541 | Re: Old School Check-in by Wild Weasel |
Maintenance and Repair Discussion about general maintenance, maintenance issues, repair and other normal and not-so-normal j-body issues.
15358 | 95005 | Transaxle Bolt pattern on Sunbird GT Turbo Engine by Paul Scalisi |
Newbies Here new members can introduce themselves and ask the questions that get asked over and over again - Tuner Tube? Intakes? Altezza style lights? etc.
4657 | 38076 | Re: Need help trying to find a clutch by Cameron Bennett |
Jacked / Wrecked / Sold Arguably the most depressing forum on the site - crashed, wrecked, totalled, stolen or sold, post your stories here.
627 | 7580 | Re: 1986 Sunbird GT Convertible Turbo For Sale by Yachtinspector |
Forum | Threads | Posts | Last Post |
Audio & Electronics This is the home for all that is car audio, in-car-entertainment, and other electronics such as alarms and navigation.
8468 | 79134 | Re: 2004 Cavalier DRL Disable by Jec Heckman |
Exterior Discussions about exterior appearance modifications to j-body automobiles.
12908 | 134209 | Re: GM Extreme Tuner Body Kit by Cody Lookabill |
Wheel and Tire Talk about wheels and tires - what looks good, what performs good, what sticks good, and so on.
3576 | 30452 | Re: 14 inch Keystone Classics by butch nackley |
Interior Discussions about interior modifications to j-body automobiles.
6713 | 66270 | Re: 1988 Cavalier Drivers seat re-cover by Jon Smith |
Photos & Media A place to post photos, videos, and other media, of j-bodies new and old. 'Photoshopped' photos, and requests for changes should go in the Image Manipulation forum, however.
13149 | 360243 | Re: blu's 04 Supercharged Cavalier build by Carl Calvin |
Forum | Threads | Posts | Last Post |
Performance Discussions about performance modifications to j-body automobiles which do not involve any kind of forced induction or nitrous. Topics in any way related to turbo or supercharger should go in the Boost forum, and nitrous topics in the Nitrous Oxide forum.
16174 | 194449 | Re: 2200 ln2 forged pistons availability??? by manbearpig |
Suspension and Brake Discussions about suspension and brake modifications to j-body automobiles.
7038 | 82753 | Re: 1st and 2nd Gen Rear Suspension: Bumpers, Insulators, 21MM Bushings by butch nackley |
Nitrous Oxide Discussions about performance modifications to j-body automobiles which involve nitrous oxide.
909 | 10055 | Re: What is the biggest shot of nitrous you have ran? by david alvarado |
Boost Discussions about performance modifications to j-body automobiles which involve forced induction - turbos and superchargers.
8996 | 127474 | Re: Pistons for turbo 2200 by Ksc400 |
Transmission Discussions about modifications to j-body automobiles which involve all parts of the powertrain that do not include the engine.
5185 | 36931 | Re: F23+LX9...Missing shift cable bracket on Trans by gary scherbarth |
Racing Autocross (Auto-X), Drag Racing, Road and Track Racing spoken here. Street racing, on the other hand, is NOT spoken here. This forum is for legal racing only.
1450 | 22118 | Re: any one have a fix for cavalier rear hub snapping on dirt track by Barry Hines |
Tuning Engine management and tuning, stock and aftermarket systems can be discussed here. Information found here is mostly of very advanced nature and as such should not be approached lightly.
2196 | 27161 | Tuning adjustments required switching from tuned Siemens 60lb to Bosch EV14? by hybridfrank |
Forum | Threads | Posts | Last Post |
First Generation Forum specific to the 1982 to 1987 J-cars.
1777 | 17363 | Re: 2.0 Olds Firenza firing issue by Roger Noa |
Second Generation Forum specific to the 1988 to 1994 J-cars.
2558 | 19663 | Re: 1989 PONTIAC SUNBIRD serpentine drive belt, pulley tensioner by butch nackley |
Third Generation Forum specific to the 1995 and newer J-cars.
3312 | 39020 | electric door locks continually engaging, non stop. by scott franklin |
Forum | Threads | Posts | Last Post |
J-Body Meets Information regarding regional and national j-body meets - any large-scale event specifically for j-bodies.
442 | 4453 | Re: Bash 2018, Yes a J-Body / GM Small Car Bash by vitamin z |
Events Discussions about regional and national events - both show and race - any events which are not j-body specific.
490 | 10354 | Re: Calling All Skyhawks! by Hugh Curran |
Forum | Threads | Posts | Last Post |
Other Cars Questions comments and discussions on non-J-body automobiles.
9368 | 169638 | Re: Here with an LS400 by Azncav (was static) |
Image Manipulation Requests, display and discussion on images created or manipulated in Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro, MS Paint, or any other image editing program.
3563 | 32099 | Re: * Wilwood * by DMD |
Forum | Threads | Posts | Last Post |
South Pacific Region California, Hawaii and Nevada specific forum.
780 | 9050 | $89 @ Streets of Willow January 09-10, 2016 by joel |
North Pacific Region Oregon and Washington specific forum.
164 | 1544 | Re: Anybody left? by Danielle Thatcher |
Canadian North Pacific Region Alaska, British Columbia and Yukon specific forum.
94 | 644 | Re: Importfest Toronto 2014 by ED C |
South Mountain Region Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico and Utah specific forum.
606 | 15830 | J's in NM by F16Chief |
North Mountain Region Idaho, Montana and Wyoming specific forum.
52 | 388 | Re: What's with all the East Idaho J's? by Jason Gibbs |
Canadian Mid West Region Alberta, Northwest Territories and Saskatchewan specific forum.
223 | 3055 | Re: Part out koni and sportlines and lots more by Robert Reynolds |
South Central Region Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma and Texas specific forum.
1934 | 36517 | Firenza header panel by David Gooch |
Mid Central Region Kansas, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska and Missouri specific forum.
2895 | 51879 | KC Heartland Chapter by 88 Z24 |
North Central Region Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin specific forum.
2306 | 33689 | Re: Hey assholes by Jeffrey Jamroz |
Canadian Mid East Region Nunavut, Manitoba and Ontario specific forum.
3697 | 30246 | Re: Ontario anyone? by Wild Weasel |
South East Region Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee specific forum.
3461 | 65385 | Z24 project car for sale in NC by tha_prowler |
Mid East Region Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, Michigan, Virginia, West Virginia specific forum.
6533 | 81838 | Re: 2003 Sunfire - the time to sell has come by Exesivefire |
North East Region Conneticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampsire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and Vermont specific forum.
5856 | 84083 | Re: LD9 Supercharger "+" kit for s by [ion] C2 |
Canadian North East Region Newfoundland, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and Quebec specific forum.
182 | 1432 | Re: moncton newbrunswick by Kyle Jones |
Forum | Threads | Posts | Last Post |
Off-Topic Other stuff that doesn't quite fit into any other forum category on this site, particularly non-automotive related topics.
Subforums: Almost Anything Goes, Anything Goes, Politics and War |
21413 | 438873 | Re: The saint Trance Tracks by Labora |
Sales and Group Purchase The Sales and Group Purchase Forum is to be used solely for the organization of GME approved company sponsored Sales and Group Purchases. If you would like to start a sale or GP, please read the Rules and Regulations. NEW TOPICS will NOT show up unless approved. DO NOT post a new topic until you have read the rules!
The Sales and Group Purchases in this forum are operated by individual businesses and NOT by the GM Enthusiast Network. Please contact the business or thread author directly if you have any questions about the sale or GP. Do not send questions about specific products to the GME. |
300 | 32924 | 83 Sunbird Convertible by Bobby Hall |
Currently Active Users: 1368014 |
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