Location: Sudbury
Joined: Wednesday, November 20, 2002
Last Update: Tuesday, May 20, 2003
Email: glowstix20@hotmail.comWeb Page: http://none
1997 Pontiac SunfireBody Style: Coupe Color: electron blue pearl metalic Engine: 2.2L I4 OHV Transmission: Manual Interior: blue and silver Purchase Date: March 14th, 2002 Purchased From: Mar Motors in Sudbury Build Date: sometime in 97
Suspension/Wheels/Brakes:Interior:- fully painted interior blue and silver
- dash and A-pillars are fiberglassed
- dash: shaved vents (except window defroster
- molded in> shaved air bag
- middle vents 2 guages molded in
Audio:- 1" lanzar tweets
- 6 1/4" cerwin vegas mids
- PG XS 6 x 9 with directional tweets
- orion xtr 450 amp for it with a pioner premier deck...old
