Stacey S
Joined: Tuesday, June 11, 2002
Last Update: Saturday, November 8, 2003
1998 Pontiac T/A Ram AirAbout This Vehicle:
98 Trans Am Ram Air Body Style: Coupe Color: Blue Engine: V8 Transmission: Automatic Interior: charcoal Purchase Date: 1/7/99
Suspension/Wheels/Brakes:- 15" OZ racing rims (not pictured)
Interior:- new gauges
- neons placed in various places like under dash etc...
Exterior:- neo-blue and purple~ gold series neons underneath
- 6% tint on back window
- 20% on sides
Audio:- kenwood deck
- new 6x9's and tweeters
- 2 mtx 10"thunder 8000 subwoofers with mtx 250x amp (For Now!)
Future:- maybe a little harlequin(sp) paint to give her some color
- Bigger better stereo
