Is this the same guy that is ripping off pictures of everyones cars to use on his auctions? Or someone else?
im gonna say yes. he had a post in there yesterday about being able to get cf hood and cf trunk lids for ALL models cav and fires. which is bs because there is no cf lid for the fire coupe. funny too thats the same pic in the last ad except this time it doesnt have the vis wrapping on it
i contacted him a while ago about getting a hood and trunk from him and he said hed ship it out to me for 650. i was like WHOA great price. But for some odd reason i felt uneasy about the guy and since he said he sold things on ebay alot i asked him to put it ona auction with a buy it now so it will be secure and all, and he seems not to want to do it that way. So then i thgouth i would ask if hed be willing to send items out then i send cash. he didnt like that as well
i just decided that i wouldnt dealwith him. Im not saying anythign bad or good about him, just giving you my situation.
working on sig.... just wait
your link didnt work for me
como du say, ist ein le douche, baggins?