Ok...So I have
1. Gone from tarmac to gravel at 75mph
2. Taken I don't know how many gravel corners too fast and "accidently" slid around them
3. Over shot a corner...and put a few rocks into the bead of the tire
was damn fun tho
4. Pulled the e-brake going down a slippery hill and didnt have enough room to spin all the way around...slammed into a snowbank, then had to be pulled out by a friend
anyone else...come on you young guys like me...we've done some stupid @!#$...and some of you old guys have too back in your days...so post it up!
-backed into the stone wall surrounding a cemetary
had my brakes go out at 45 MPH and hit a brick wall at a gas station
(Insert really cool picture of my car with some catchy name or slogan here)
put $13,000 worht of mods in
Team Altered Car Club
hm i havent driven mine much yet but probably sitting in it installing all my super sweet r racing accessories, yeah that takes #1
FOR SALE: (5) '95-'99 Z24 Rims
pay 3400 for the car total it and pay over 4500 just to get it fixed on top of about 8k in mods
Hit a moose.
Disclaimer: I will probally offend you with what is written in this post.
Go sideways into a Grand Am
I rolled my 89 Z so I didnt T-bone my buddies Neon.... Long story
I bought a 99 convertible Z...sold to my mother...hahaha
I backed my conv into a tree....small damage to fuel door
I was pulled over to tail gating an ambulance that was doing an emergency run...300 bucks and defencive driving class
street racing
drinking and driving
done 360s on the interstate.
thats about all with the cavi. no my beater and my old neon thats another story. i used to jump those cars, dukes of hazzard style, all the time.
What you know about Street Racing anyways? Only what Fast & Furious taught us....
Let my mother drive my car so she could crack my front bumper while entering the driveway lol
www.kronosperformance.com / 732-742-8837
buying my J was my biggest mistake
-hitting a 90 degree turn at 55 mph in the opposite lane trying to pass someone, and then hitting it so fast i slid about 100 feet sideways, then flipped around 180 degrees and slid a few more feet until i could straighten it out.
-passing my mom and another car in a no-passing lane with oncomming cars at night...(oh boy did i hear about that one)
- Cameron (CaliforniaCavalier)
done 360s on the interstate.
i got that beat i did 4 in the snow
backed into light pole at the mall... small crack in the bumper
blowing by a cop at 160KM on the highway man did i ever get screwed there.
flying down the back roads and actually flying (into the ditch)
and a whole bunch of @!#$ with my last 2 j's
Got pulled over for drag racing in my S/C grand am, 115 in a 55, 3x no turn signal, grading tires, speed competition. Got it knocked down to 4 points in court.
Trashed 2 transmissions in my S/C GA.
Paid $4k for a transmission that held.
Got pulled over in in my S/C GA, 155 in a 45. Got thrown out in court (got very lucky).
Putting neons on my GA, got pulled over many times.
Used my college fund to mod my GA.
Traded GA to dealer for a cavalier, only got $6k for it, had $10k in the car, and $12k in mods. I loved that car, but insurance was a biatch $320/mo thanks to a random inspection and tickets.
Paid $10,500 for a cavalier.
Passed an undercover cop at 103mph in a 45 . He could not do anything about it, not on duty, did not clock me.
Installing my own exhaust on my cavalier...looked like crap.
Letting Xtreme vehicle designs in Noblesville, IN install my type J bodykit. Looks like crap, I have spent at least 5 hours fixing it and I only have the front fixed.
Thats about it. I know the GA is not a J, but I have not done very much stupid crap in the 2 years since I got the cavalier.
Went from 5th to 2nd once, why I have no idea, wasn't intentional, some kind of brain fart I'm sure. Was going slow enough I didn't blow past 6000, or so I hope. Months later every thing is still fine. LOL
'03 LS SPORT COUPE 5 SPEED black with teal/silver pinstripe
SAC wrote:The Other Matt wrote:buying my J was my biggest mistake
i went hauling butt around a blind corner and had someone pull out in front of me. i nailed the brakes, turned the wheel, and hit the Ebrake. did 2 complete circles and went up over the curb. that was fun.
slept drunk a few times in the back seat randomly around the state
[quote=97cavie24ls(JDM&00s/c sedans™)]read this thread