excuse me if this has already been pointed out.....
i went to PM someone a minute ago and saw there was now a PM button in the registry/profile section for us now, personally i feel as though this needed to be done YEARS ago. going to come in handy big time. it was really annoying to have to look up someone's name, find a post by them and then hit the PM button by their name.
thank you DAVE.org for finally getting this done. much appreciated, sir.
you know there is also a spell check button......registrys.....lol
but actually i still dont see a pm button....
perhaps that just my personal retardation....
under your profile pic in the upper right corner
oh schnap.....there it be.
Sweet. very nice add there.......definitely a needed feature.
NICE.....this is the ONLY forum i am on that DIDNT have that...now it does
very cool addition. now just get them in classified ads (if they didnt get done with the registry add) and we'll be golden!
John Benham wrote:you know there is also a spell check button......registrys.....lol
i lol'd
but ya, cool deal. I hated having to search for a post to PM from
choosey moms choose J03Y wrote:John Benham wrote:you know there is also a spell check button......registrys.....lol
i lol'd
but ya, cool deal. I hated having to search for a post to PM from
you know you could of just copied there name in the ( ) marks, clicked compose in your inbox, then inserted that into the To: space. just aswell as click forum and clicked on one of the post. but it is much quicker to compose now.
btw not singling you out joey.