Do you guys know the cheapest and best OEM water pump replacement that is not GM?
Sorry, I didn't feel like searching...
btw, its a 2002 2200sfi
Well with the cheap price your sacrificing quality and vice versa, so buy whatever one you want. im not familiar with the 2200 but if the water pump is driven by a serpentine belt then just say screw it and get one at autozone. or get one at the dealer.
I have a 2.2L. It is belt driven and mine only cost me $26 at Orielly's. It's been holding up well since I did it back in september... Really easy job too, only 4 13mm bolts and it's out.
Did I mention I drive a 2000 Lumina now? member
thx guys... i'm plannin on doin' this thing on saturday... just wanted some input... thinkin' about replacing the belt and coolant at the same time... good idea?