hi all need some help. I was over eas for a good little while. well i came back and changed out all the fluids spark plugs and battery in my car when i went to start it it wouldnt start. It will try to crank but not turn over. a couple times it would start to turn over and then just cut off. i could hear the exhaust so i know it was tryin to fire. ive heard of this anti theft @!#$ causing this i left the key in the run position for 10 20 and 30 mi incrimintes and still nothing at this point im lost and some help. thanks
first get a new battery. that long probably depleeted it anyway. then search for theft lock re learn procedure
My car may run 18s, but I can do your taxes in 10 seconds flat.
JBO lube - they would never have enough in stock and we'd never see RodimusPrime again
i already got a new battery but ill look for the relearn thing
hmm no luck on finding the theft lock relean stuff anyone got any help?