So, I was in the process of changing my exhaust manifold gasket and when I took one of the bolts out it fell into this little slot and in the process of trying to get it out I have only lodged it deeper. Am I safe to just forget about it and get a new nut or try to get it out?
Already tried lol it's really stuck in there.
Well I might suggest using a claw type screw driver (if that is correct).They make a driver with a bent angle tip like a awl that might give u better digging angles or maybe some strong clothes hanger wire or stronger.If it just a open point on the metal and won't hurt after really trying leave it.Unless ur bent on getting it out.A straight awl (if that is correct spelling) that might break it loose over any straight screw driver obviously.Just a thought
I know it is a little extra work, but I would be tearing into that if I could not get it out from that opening. It will possibly not cause any damage, but I still like to be on the safe side in case I'm wrong.
I can't be the only one that saw this on the front page and though "That's gotta hurt!"
I have nothing useful to contribute, really. Just thought I would share.
2010 Honda Fit LX
Thanks guys for the responses. I still cannot get it out and I really do not want to pull the whole assembly apart, but we'll see. Could anyone with an ecotec go check and see if that hole is filled at the bottom or does it lead somewhere? Thanks! want someone else to rip apart their housing? Just unbolt it and get this over with. Guarantee you won't make this mistake again.
Lol no. No one needs to rip it apart you can see it right from the top.
you could also go to an auto store and look at one to get an idea on this.
It's what, under ten bolts to take off that water pipe? Just take it off and get it.
So I took out that pipe, but there is a plate inside preventing me from getting inside the housing. Any ideas on how to get the whole housing off?
After digging around I think this hole might be the "weep" hole. Could anyone confirm?