Hello guys!
Just a quick Q for ya all. My power steering pump started screaming during hard cornering last month. I checked the fluid level and it's ok. My firend have the same car as me and it dose the same thing since he got about 80 000 km. Mine is at about 86 000 km and i want to know if it will let me off soon or i can wait a long time for it to die?
btw 2k sunfire GT 5 speed.
-What's that noise?
-nutting, it's just my neighbour racing can (read civic).
replace the pump, the majority of them are junk are 70,000.
1979 Impala Sport Coupe Aeroback
Change the pump and make sure u bleed the system well, GM car seem to have issue s with PS fluid bleeding.....And Shifted....i don't know where u saw a PS rack and pinion at 1300$....damn that too much..I paid mine 140$ plus 100$ core that i got back when returning the old rack. I'm a mechanic so didn<t have to pay for labor but even with labor it would be aroun 600-700$ to change the rack in candian funds....