It was about 3 or 4 weeks ago, i was coming off of 1st street, making a right onto 20 going over the bridge. I turned into the left lane and was followed by a whit sunfire who turned into the right lane next to me. I turned to check it out and they gunned it! I thought cool, sum’n to get the jimmies going, so I gunned it to! We were cruz’n too, it was completely open in front of us until we got about ¾ over the bridge and I think we hit some traffic. I had to take the exit right after the bridge anyway. It was good little showdown, I managed to stay ahead, even tho he or she had gunned it first, it was a close one. So when I turned into the exit lane I shot a thumbs up out the window (hopefully they didn’t think it was a middle finger). I think this all happened before I joined JBO actually. Right before it started off I was telling my girl(who was in my car w/me) about the similarities of the Cavy’s and Sunfires and about the whole j-body setup deal. I just kinda remembered this today and thought it would make a good post in the attempt to satisfy my curiosity of who the white sunfire was. I was driving a white 00 Z24. nuth'n like to white J's tear'n it up man!
haha j/k, I see lots of j's on the streets all the time (i drive a lot) no one is really interested. oh well. One day I saw like 3 03+ sunfires. I was like no way. I though we picked them all up.
My Car
naw, just moved from yuba, YUK!! i hate that $#!T hole. anyway, nobody else lives near there, so i dont think youll get a whole lot of respnces by people who live there. i was pretty much the only one who lives/lived there or around there. if you see a white cav with a bomx kit on it, that used to belong to one of my buddies. other than that, there arnt any "fixed up" j's there. eccept this one guy with a white cav who painted the trim, wipers, and others neon green.
any way. check up for meets once in a while. im having a BBQ soon.
yeah, i haven't been getting a whole lot of responses, just hoping i guess. will do on the meets tho, a BBQ sounds good, thanks. neon green huh? u can call that j-body abuse. As far as liv'n in yuba goes, doesn't really have much of a choice being in the military, but yeah YUK!!