I live in Lakewood. I'm trying to help everyone out and I want to prove that the stuff I have works better than anything else you can get, so I'm offering to give some away for free for a trial purpose.
If it works just spread the word! That's the only catch.
It should help your gas mialage improve, will help your engine last longer, and will improve the efficiency of your engine. It works with my j-body so I wanted to share it with all of you!
Reply to this or email me if you're interested.
i would if you were in illinois
What brand products are these?
The brand is called Freedom. I don't make it, of course, I just have used it for the last year and love it. I am attempting to spread the word cause I believe it's the best additive to hit the market, which I'm backing up my own money on, and when people see that it does work each time they purchase it I get a referral fee.
All I can offer to you whitie365 is that you buy it from my site www.seanjohnson.biz access code "fuel" click on "fuel additive" under "car care". If you use the whole bottle and it didn't save you more than you spent, or you weren't satisfied for whatever reason I'll personally give you your money back.
cool ill give it a try when i get my rear axle replaced
oh yeah and how much is it
It should be about 20 bucks depending on your zip code if you just buy that. I'd consider buying some energy drinks or something else too to get more out of your shipping scale.