For those of you who inject BEFORE the IAT sensor, are you seeing a significant drop in intake temperature while spraying?
I'm running 3 gallons/hour activated @ 15psi on my GXP, and i'm not really seeing a significant drop in IAT. For what it's worth i'm running 50% methanol in water. I can't really activate the meth at a lower PSI because it bogs/misfires. I'm thinking about trying a 5 and 7 GPH nozzle, but what are peoples experiences?
You running a progressive kit? or a boost switch? My IAT sensor is in my s/c but not sure how much it actually lowered my temps but now I am able to touch the s/c with my hand after I have done some hard runs for it. Last year I had to put ice on the s/c between runs to cool down and now it doesn't get anywhere as hot as it did before. A pregressive kit may be the way you want to go since you are running that much boost.
boost switch activated at about 15 PSI. The charge pipe feels cooler, but the IAT reading is not significantly lower. Maybe I'm spraying too far away from the sensor, and hence too far away from the intake mani? Maybe its cooling the charge pipe in that area and all the water meth is evaporated before it hits the sensor and by then its heated up again? I'm just guessing...