My a/c compresser kicked the bucket on me the other day so i just said F(*&^(*& it and im just gunna pull it and the power steering out any idea on what size belt i should get??
Take a rope or string and measure it on the pulley's.
Then go to your car parts store and tell them that you're looking for a 5 rib belt (or whatever type belt you'll be running) in this size.
Get one size smaller and one size bigger along with the exact size you need.
Go home, install the belt that fits, and return the ones you didn't use.
Works every time for me running under drive pulley's along with a/c delete.
Good luck.
Newbie member since 1999
Thank you Dave and JBO! ![](/global/images/emoticons/cb.gif)
Hey /threadjack im aslo pulling my ac unit i live in AR so its not as bad as loui but still sucks im just wondering if there is anything i should know about before i pull the ac unit i already got the short belt i need any advice would be awesome
im not a noob but why pull the PS? are you just setting up for drag?
well the thing about pullin the ac unit is its not really worth it in my eyes and i could be wrong but when the ac is turned off no power is being drawn so it dosnt matter your not losing any hp as long as the ac is off, so no sinse in really taken it off when it dosnt matter because as long as its off it spins freely with no drain on any thing, now as far as what i have heard about pullin power steerin it gives you more of a hp gain from what i have been told from others now keep in mind this is word of mouth im not realy big gear head or anything i just pretty much know the basics and im still learning my self so critisism dosnt bother me but the cavi isnt a huge car so really not having power steering isnt a problem but i dont know yet i havnt fully made up my mind on what im going to do yet im still asking questions and lookin at what i want to do.