Ok guys and girls, time to get out!! It's been way too long since we've had a good turnout, so the 2nd staurday in June @ Hooter's in Independence. It's off of I-70 and Little Blue Parkway. I'll drag Skinny out, you guys drag yourselves.
Hey all... it's been a while since i have been on but if i'm in town i'll be there.. just tell me what time..
Sorry guys!! It's at 7:00 pm I forgot to post up the time.
Duude!!! Like!!! People are always arranging meetings!!!
..and me with a broke ass 'Fire
I swear dude.. I miss my car bad.. ugh.. After I get it fixed I'm sooo going to like all the meets.. One of the only things keeping me on track with my project is missing out on events.
Well I should be there guys, if not not I'll end up with Andrew throwing a honda crank bolt threw my window...
Tara, I will love and miss you forever, you will never be forgotten
Damn Straight!!! By the way, I found that damn bolt!!!!!!!

Anyways, after the bolt gets launched, I'm dragging ya out to Hooters.
I'll be there it's been a long time since i've been to a meet and I'am bringing my orange cav. some of you guys remember me like siknny. what about snoop. If your reading this be there. everybody get out. winter is OVER LETS GET OUT. SEE YA THERE. J-BODIES START'EM UP AND ROLL OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what time,,, i'll be there
One week to go! Anybody else coming out?
Hey, for you guys who know Skinny, PM, e-mail either me or him, he'd like your phone numbers. His old phone shot sh*t on him.
Cool, E-mail sent, and I'll be there. Is there a specific place that you guys park up there? I've never been to that Hooters, but I've driven by it
still a go for tomorrow??
Yep still up for tommorow @7:00. Not really a specific place we park, try to stay together. I'll be in a black 88 Z, Skinny should be in a light blue Accord.
Hope everyone had fun. I got tied up in Bates City for most of the night so I failed to show....again....nothing new since it has been at least 2 years if not longer since I have made it.
Yea, we were talking about coming and dragging you out there. Any ways, get ahold of Skinny was talking about a project day at his house sometime in the next month. Had a good turnout for not having a meet in a while. Hope to see ya all next month, same place, same time aas of now.