$100 bucks plus shipping or best offer.. shipping will be around 50
were u be located at??? im intrested..... they been mounted?? if so how good condition?? and upclose pictures??? of front and inside of them.
also were'd u buy them from?? and if u mounted them for how long?? and how good fitment were they?
side skirts alittle bumped up 2 much for me..lol...how much just for front shipped to 54669?
deal, once taxes are back i'll send it, wuts ur paypal acc?
just pm me your info address and such. so when you expecting your taxes back?
it says im supposto get state back tommaro..but i'll say for sure next week wednesday at the LATEST...
right on man..i'll pack it up for ya then. and so everyone knows the pics make the sides look worse than they really are, its bondo from when they were molded to my car. 45 shipped takes them
sat or monday i'll send u the $
its packed and ready to go