Hey J-Body Fans! I Wanted To Know If Anyone Has Swapped Their Stock Spoiler With Another One From A Different Year Model?
I Was Looking At My Friends 94 Cav And It Would Look Great On My 01 But The Bolts Don't Match!
Is There Another Year That Might Fit?
Thanks All
All the 3rd Gen Cav Spoilers and the 4door Sunfire Spoilers will fit on all the different years/models of the 3rd gen Cav. But you will end up needing to weld or drill some holes in the trunk.
The 95-99 / Base model 00-02 Spoiler has the same mounting holes as the 00-02 Z Spoiler.
If you have one of those and you want to put on the 4door Sunfire or 03-05 Spoiler you will need to weld up two of the holes in the trunk.
There is also another spoiler that came on the 95-99 cav's and the 4door sunfire, but I am not sure on the mounting holes for that one. This one at the dealer is called a "after production install" spoiler or something like that.
Thanks Allot I'm Off To Find A Couple Of Them Now
i hear that the second gen Tiburon spoiler will fit pretty good.... I saw it on a sunfire at importfest last year at skydome.
Want Mine?
Its for sale / trade
Chk my registry
I have more pics at
<IMG SRC="http://www.j-body.org/registry/mrsharkspoiler/sharksig.jpg">
I Might Be Interested In The Spoiler Email Me @ e4m2r0@rogers.com with $$$ If You still Have It!