I need to get my Garrett T3 turbo rebuilt somewhere... Does anyone know of any shops in the clearwater, florida area that will do it and does good work?
There's a guy who rebuilds turbos and upgrades them too. Hes in Zephryhills. I'll have to find out his phone number for ya.
Car is for Sale!Supercharger kit is for sale!
thanks man i'd appreciate it!
I'm pretty sure this is the guy, Charlie is his name...and the company is CMR turbo.......i found this number, hopefully it still works...(813)-978-8872
Car is for Sale!Supercharger kit is for sale!
thanks for the help man! i'll definitely be giving him a call
just curious if you had called him and if he was still in bus ?
if you arent spraying your just playing !!!
no i haven't yet... i got in on the exhaust manifold gp that was on this site and have to ship out my turbo to rdfabs first, so i was going to give the guy a call once i get the turbo back from
the reason i asked was because cmr turbos im pretty sure is closed but charlie still does it on the side but hes hard to catch up with .
if you arent spraying your just playing !!!