it cost extra to have it pre-preped from diza yo. if they even do that.
but my Survior came in with a crack in it. well... the winter really f'd it up worse. but i did hit a truck with the kit and it held fine.
diza has always had poor quality. but what do you expect. at least there's kits avaliable for our cars...
i agree totaly with ya arch so far im at a stand still ive got arounf 2000 bucks to buy a kit and paint my car and i cant decide who to go with
the only two kits that i like are te fx-designs one and the diza and i realy like the diza kit better but im scared to death that itl cost just as much to make the kit actualy fit and look good that im considering geting one from fx. please lett me know what diza does about yout prob itl help me make my choice and i have a friend who is looking for a kit to. so if diza handles this properly they could have a lot of bussness coming theyr way!
they just dont make stuff like they used to
diza will tell you tough @!#$...
just search for Diza and you'll read the horror stories others have gone thru.
here is someone else that just got his kit too.
pretty much everyone that i know that has the diza kit has had to do some kind of work to it, i know fiberglass is not perfect, but my fx stuff has come and has been pretty nice, i haven't had a prob with cracks or anything from shipping.
| '89 Z24 Auto | '99 Prelude 5spd | '04 GS500F | '05 HD 883L |
If it was me - I'd just send it back and demand a refund. I have no patience for shotty workmanship.
You're to be commended, however, for giving Diza a chance to correct the problem. If they do right by you, it may restore my faith in their company. I'm currently in the market for a body kit as well and I'll stratch any company off my list that has a reputation for poor quality.
haha. David... you might wanna go buy a body kit for another car, and buy another car as well. being as 2nd gen cavaler kits are on low demand, they don't have much quality to them. just stop being cheap and have a shop fix it... you should know that going in, your gonna have to put prep work into it. fiberglass is a bitch. it doesn't flex, and doest expand like urethane will.
you guy's just gotta do some research before you buy things... some people tend to do that. im always tring to help people out. Hell, Arch, i even gave you my version of the BMW swap. (the easy clean mount verion) im not tring to come off like a dick, trust me, if i was tring to... it'd be much worse.
i know most of you are newbies and haven't read 1/4 of the post us oldies have.
if you have a question about the Diza kit, ask Geeds (coderedz24). that man went thru so much @!#$ to get his kit on. he spent a while on just one sideskirt.
just research some more guys. that's all im saying, and many others will agree. plus fiberglass sucks. my OnDerGround Designs kit came screwed up some. Finger prints in the gel coating, 2 cracks that they tried to hide in Gel Coating, and the driver side don't line up with the wheel well like it should. but i didn't call or send it back... i know that companys aren't gonna do @!#$. they got there money, there fore than can care less. i respect almost all the memebers that post in the 2g fourm. (except that rock headed idiot that posted about heated springs. damn he's a @!#$ idiot). and im just posting my voice.
no hate, no beef, just tring to keep it real. (im not meaning to sound like a dick, emotion is kinda hard to express via keyboard)
arch thats fine if youwant to use my reply
and sun i understand what your saying about doing resurch on a company that is what i did and that is why i havent orderd my kit yet i realy like the diza kit but im leading toward the fx kit i have heard more positive things about that company than most others
I mean, they coulda used a freakin ruler or something when they were doing the fiberglassing
Actually, they probably have a (really crappy) mold, and they just gun it into that... That's why pretty much EVERYONE (at least in my reading so far) has gotten a shoddy product.
I whole-heartedly agree with you Arch, but unfortuneately businesses are run by businessmen, not artists... Even if the artists object, the owners of the company wont care, as long as they get money they're happy, and since they are one of very few companies that offer bodykits for something not 3rd gen, they'll get their money, no matter how many horrible reviews they get.
Thats why I like the factory kits and I went with a customized Z kit, it fit perfectly and its urethane.
When do you think you'll have your kit on and your car painted, arch? Pics
I cant really see the sides good to see how it lines up, but that looks pretty good to me form behind, if the sides are off just shave down the rubber mounts on the bumper and that will give you a little more room to move the kit foreward.
You have to get dual exhaust now to fill in those holes back there
Also I might have a set of outer phase 1 cavy tails for you alot sooner than I thought, my cousin just scraped his Z22 and bought a 88 Z24 and hes thinking of swaping to phase 2 tails that he already has, so if he decides to do it I'll get the phase 1 outers for you.
Looking good arch, got any ideas for a space for your licence plate? Were I'm from we cant have our rear plate in the window cause it has to be lighted at night. I'd mold the plate into the trunk lid when you shave the inner tails.
As for wastting space here, lol have you seen the post in the photos and media forum called "starting the 98 vert" or somethinmg along the lines of that, its like 30 pages of this guy who just keeps on posting priogress pics its awesome some of the things he's done.
I see you ditched the wing too, any plans to put that back on? I dont really like big wings I have a factory sunbird GT spoiler I raised an inch it looks sweet.
Just a thought.