What in the hell is this (and why is it pouring antifreeze like a faucet) . . .
Ran my engine some distance last night with no antifreeze, besides changing the oil is there anything I can do to minimize the damage. (She's still running somehow.)
that is your evaporator drain, and your heater core lives thier too. You need a heater core. Invest about 50 bucks and 1-2 hours of your time on that. They are not that hard in 2nd gen j's I can give you detail instructions if you need them.
<img src="http://geocities.com/jimmythekid1/gecat2.gif">
The heater core, evaporator core, or both?
just the heater core
<img src="http://geocities.com/jimmythekid1/gecat2.gif">
OK. I've got a picture to work from in Chilton's. Doesn't look hard. (Though I still haven't figured out how to pull my dash. Tried to put new speakers in last month, but couldn't get the dash off. Chilton's will tell you to pull this and that, but not how. Some stuff is clipped from behind and if you don't know where to pull, you end up cracking it.)
Anything else I should R&R while I'm in there (filters and stuff)?
Haha, the EXACT same thing just happened to my car. That's crazy. I just bypassed the heater core for now.
Boy, comes out fast, doesn't it?
you do not need to remove the dash. Just the passanger and drivers side hush panels. They are held in by 7mm bolts the passager side is alos part of the glove box. next remove the floor vent ducts, then all the bolts for the heater core cover will be exposed. The heater box is in the center of the intrument panel. Any way remove the cover and then remoe the four bolts holding the heater core. then remove heater core. To reinstall reverse the process.
i almost for got before this remove the drain hosed and the the drain tubeunder the car.. The first time I did one I forgot to remove the drain tube and I cracked the cover trying to pull it out. This is all a little easyer if you remove the crossmeber.
Good luck this is really a gravy job.
<img src="http://geocities.com/jimmythekid1/gecat2.gif">
Jimmy: Thanks for the help; I owe you one!
Took your advice and still cracked the housing. I hate plastic! I must have put the core in upside down or something as well, because now the housing won't fit - jambs up on one of the tubes. I'll probably just mod the housing - I don't feel like draining the antifreeze again.
JBoDiEd wrote:Boy, comes out fast, doesn't it?
Wish the radiator drained as quickly!