Ok this is not exactly on a J-body but it is a 93 Corsica and has the same rack setup. The problem is the where the drive side mount, mounts to the fire wall, the fire wall has cracked. So the entire rack moves with the steering column.
I was wondering if any one else has had this problem j or Corsica, berreta or any other top mount GM racks from this era. The only fix I see is removing the brake booster, Rack and pinon, and then just welding the fire wall up. Allot of work for a old car.
Does any one no of any class action suits for this? I'm hoping GM might just GM use a hush payment for the value of the car (less then one grand). It would be part of a down payment on a new car.
Any help or information is appreciated.
<img src="http://geocities.com/jimmythekid1/gecat2.gif">
I don't think GM will give you any help considering how old the car is. And getting everything out to get in there will be a pain to weld it it. :O

95 Cobra
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it would'nt be that bad of a pain to remove the rack its about a four hour job by the book., i'm sure I could do it in two. I remove the booster when I take out the rack so nothing would be in the way and you could easy weld it with a aire feed welder. But I looked at a little more closly today and I found out the crack is worse then it looks is is about the entire hieght of the fire wall so I'm selling it for parts. I already have a buyer 200 bucks for the whole mess. Just to make things a little more interesting a guy at my old shop has a corsica with the same problem, and it is not even rust caused it just cracked, pretty messed up don't you think. It is a saftey issue so if thier is more they could recall them my old shop was a olds dealer and they bought back a lot of old w's with the cradles rotted out and these were older then 93'.
<img src="http://geocities.com/jimmythekid1/gecat2.gif">