I've got a 4 door 88 cav, with my num2 cyl has no compression. I'm gettin it overhauled soon. But its just cause i need to durn thing to work. Anyhow, I have always wished I could get maybe a little bit more HP for my car. I've been looking around at cold air intakes and stuff, and all of them say that they are for the 2.8L v6. So I'm wondering if anyone knows where I might be able to find a cold air intake that would work/be easy enough to install on my 4cyl OHV.
Second Generation Forum
Forum specific to the 1988 to 1994 J-cars.
Some think that 88s are first gen, me I don't care but he's probably just following directions,
Like arch said I'm pretty sure you'd have to do a custom job, my dad has a 2.0 OHV doesn't look like it'd be to hard to fab one up
<img src="http://www.geocities.com/fudd_22602/elmer-shoot.gif"> Old school Js rock
I'm 90% sure that the 88 is second gen. Everything I have ever read on my car seems to back up my theory that it is second gen.
88 is second gen for cavy and sunbird. the only ones that has first gens in 88 were olds firenza, and buick skyhawk, and the caddy cimmeron went into early 89.