i went out to my car one morning and went to start my car up and the key didnt turn it was like it was froze... is that possible it was pretty damn cold but anyways... just wondering what i could do so i dont have to pay the 200 dollars for a new cylinder... that will blow hardcore!!
Are you sure the steering wheel wasn't locked? If the wheel is locked, you need to turn it one way or the other until the ignition unlocks.
lock cyls run about 170 down here...
try flipping the key over or a spare key... failing that i dunno... i've never taken a lock cyl apart... this guy i used to work with had to do so once... he pushed the chambers out so that a blank key would start the car... that wouldnt be too bad if no one knew about it...
dam thats expencive here the avrage price of lock cyl and keys are like 50 bucks let me know what kinda car adn ill check at work for ya ....... if i can get em cheaper ill help ya out
oh james hows the car doin i finaly got mine panted