so i picked this motor up form pat when he did his 3400 swap and i finally got a chance to tear down the block and i found like 6 flys in the timing chain cover lol
arnt the 2 marks supposed to line up?


more flys

yup even more lol

empty block

pistons,cam, crank...and u can see 2 UIM in the background...1s ported to 62mm and the other stock

junk thats going to zubicks


cyl walls

empty block
anyone care to tell me how to remove the connecting rods? special tool involved?

FDP 62MM TB, FFP Performance Chip, FFP Underdrive Pully, WAI, Hi Flow Cat, 2.5" Catback, Functional Ram Air Hood, Centerforce Dual Friction Clutch
arnt the 2 marks supposed to line up?
If you turn the crank counterclockwise to bring the mark up (it's the small dot), the cam will also rotate to bring the mark down. They are aligned.
Must be one sweet engine with those flys attracted to it.
^^i didnt realsise it ahd to be at TDC

i feel like a idiot lol but hey we all gotta learn somewhere
and i guess i have to bring the pistons/rods into a shop to get them pressed out

FDP 62MM TB, FFP Performance Chip, FFP Underdrive Pully, WAI, Hi Flow Cat, 2.5" Catback, Functional Ram Air Hood, Centerforce Dual Friction Clutch
took apart most of the heads that i have sitting around, still have 3 more to tear down lol

i cant wait to get all this @!#$ out of my garage lol

FDP 62MM TB, FFP Performance Chip, FFP Underdrive Pully, WAI, Hi Flow Cat, 2.5" Catback, Functional Ram Air Hood, Centerforce Dual Friction Clutch
Mike Hecimovic wrote:i found like 6 flys in the timing chain cover lol
nice to see you worked all the bugs out
[ o ][][][][][][][][ o ] coach built jeep
are you actually building something, or... just enjoy taking things apart?
^^building something

heres the topend although im trying to get my hands on a 3500 UIM, dont mind those nasty marks, i shaved the 3400SFI part off and its all basically smooth/polished right now

and these bad boys could use some pipes welded to them


FDP 62MM TB, FFP Performance Chip, FFP Underdrive Pully, WAI, Hi Flow Cat, 2.5" Catback, Functional Ram Air Hood, Centerforce Dual Friction Clutch
wow. Glad to see some people still have there 2g's from when I had mine.
Lookin good so far