I just got my car lowered on the pro kit and AGX struts. Now I need to do an alignment, but the shops I've been to says they will scratch the wheels if they try because the chrome lip. Any ideas? My back up plan is getting my friends stock cavalier wheels and aligning the car with those. Thanks!!
Words that you can't use in modding: Finished, Perfect, Cheap.
Also, the drivers side fender clearance is about 1mm or so lower than the passenger side. Should that concern me at all? Thanks guys. I will post pics soon in photo's, it looks and drives great!!
Words that you can't use in modding: Finished, Perfect, Cheap.
1mm is like nothing. your probably not on level ground. the crap they are feeding you about your wheels is
alot of shops ive been to have parts for the parts they hang on the wheels , that clamp in the area between the tire and rim , on the outside where any marks are not seen
when usually they just slip them on the inside lip of the wheel , which would leave marks on some wheels
take it in on stockers. A friend of mine does it every time he has his car aligned so they won't mess up his SSR Comps.
Thanks for all the input guys, and I agree with you bagged. Tire Kingdom says their alignment guy might be able to do it on saturday, he has to look at it (he was out). Oh, and I didn't change the mounts, just put the AGX's and pro-kit on. I hear a few noises from the front and back. should I be concerned at all, it's a 2005 so the stock parts are relatively new. Even if the mounts were a "problem", is it one that needs attention?
Words that you can't use in modding: Finished, Perfect, Cheap.
They mught not be completely tight, that was the issue with mine when i first put them in, the rear's for me had to come back out to put in one of the washers, and the front's were just loose, even after air tools, had to use open ended wrenches. I also changed the mounts, but they were shot, so dunno how yours are.
Yea that could be. For most of the ride it's great, and I love how it feels. It's only been 1 day, so I will see how it goes. Even if it was a little loose, do you think that's really bad?
Words that you can't use in modding: Finished, Perfect, Cheap.
Loose = Really Bad. Get the washers if you don't have them already.
I go to Firestone for alignments (they're definately losing money on my lifetime alignment) and they have nylon tips on the thing that touches the wheels. Might just be the one here, but it would be worth checking if you have one near by.
Hey CTS, thanks for the input. I have the washers put on (they came with the AGX's). I don't see how they could be loose, it's been one day and a professional shop did it. They are a good shop. I will see how it goes. It only makes noises here and there.
Words that you can't use in modding: Finished, Perfect, Cheap.
I take mine in on stock steel wheels... I'm having trouble trying to find a shop right now to even touch my car. They are affraid to put it onto the lift...
Oh, and CTS or anyone - do you think the alignment shop can eyeball or tell if the struts are loose somehow? I am such a newb with suspension!
Words that you can't use in modding: Finished, Perfect, Cheap.
If a shop doesn't do a quick inspection of the entire suspension for loose/broken parts before the alignment, they shouldn't be in business, its just asking for a customer come-back. Although, sometimes you'll get a shop that tells you somethings wrong when its really not, or they don't want to do it. Last time I went for an alignment, they told me they wouldn't do it because one of the control arm bushings were loose. I had them put it back up on the lift and show me. Miraculously, the bushing wasn't loose anymore.... go figure.