So I just happen to be checking the air in my tires todays when I noticed a bunch of grease all over my control arms, wheel well and axels. The ss brake line i put on 3 weeks ago had rubbed through the plastic coating down to the steel braid and had also punctured my cv boot. My car is an 03 cav with 40K on it. Without hesitation i put the stocker back on. Has anyone else seen this or experience something like this? Luckily i caught it tho.
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That's why you have to route them the way the stock ones were. If you put them in their holder they wouldn't be that low.
I used to race cars, now I race myself.
5K PB: 24:50
10K PB: 54:26
I installed them correctly though. I put them in the holders and secured them with the supplied C clips. The banjo fitting was put on just like the stock one with the line going up.
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Then I don't know what's wrong. I installed mine in the holders had zero issues. I didn't see any difference so I took them back off. Now that I need them I can't get the stockers back off
I used to race cars, now I race myself.
5K PB: 24:50
10K PB: 54:26
Nope, everything was as it should be. When I was looking at it, the brake line wasn't even touching the boot, so it would only rub during suspension travel. I checked the other side and it was just as close, but no rubbing. maybe my car is just messed up?
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so it would only rub during suspension travel.
That is a possibilty. The stock lines wouldn't really cut through, however would leave a rub mark. I'd drill a new hole a little higher and remount the clip (if that's possible, I haven't looked at my brake setup lately)
where the lines longer or same length as stock ?
when you put them on you shoulda checked the turning of the wheels , and made sure the lines were not to close
They are the same length, but the SS ones dont have a foam piece on them that prevents them from bending too much, but the foam piece would prevent it from coming up, causing the same problem right? The brake lines in a cavalier are a very tight fit as i found out last night. I didn't have a place to jack it up so i turned the wheels to one side so i could reach in and it was extremely hard to get them stretched far enough to start the banjo bolt. The stock line seems to be working fine, so i might just stick with that. My next problem is the CV boot. Has anyone seen a boot kit for an '03? Schucks didn't carry one and a new axle is about 100$.
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if your boot tore, and a full axel is only a 100 bucks, save yourself the work and just replace the axel.
chances are that boot has been torn a while letting dirt grime and crap get in there. and will eventually lead to premature wear
EXESIVE FIRE (Andy Brooks) wrote:if your boot tore, and a full axel is only a 100 bucks, save yourself the work and just replace the axel.
chances are that boot has been torn a while letting dirt grime and crap get in there. and will eventually lead to premature wear
I only put the brake lines on 3 weeks ago and when i checked the boot i couldn't find any noticable holes. There was still plenty of grease because after cleaning it off i took it for a quick drive and when i checked it after that it had grease back on the outside.
Im not gonna risk it though, as soon as it starts clickin im gonna just put a new one in. Even if i was just going to have the outside joint rebuilt, i would have to take the entire axle out anyway.
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