The other night i was driving my 1987 sunbird and this punk in a civic hatch pulls in front of me and i slam on my brakes , it was then my pedal went to the floor and brake fluid was all over the street i know I have to replace the lines but does this happen from just slamming on the brakes, and do they make stainless steel brake lines for my car
was it the hoses that blew or the lines? if its the lines, im not suprsed they blew if they were from the factory. they're old, and the final straw was the pressure spike. once, i replaced one of the rears on my 89 cav, got to the first pump of bleeding the brakes, and the other side blew. went, got line and fittings for the other rear, pumped it till it was solid after replacing, both fronts blew. i was upset to say the least, but not suprised.
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yes check all the hard lines and replace all flex lines and use a good DOT 4 brake fluid and change it once a year
Tire Rack or Andys auto sports should sell ss brake lines set $120.00 ouch
beware on some cars you will need to change from flare to bubble ends or the other way around so i found out on my 92 beretta
hope this helps
For the SS lines...Gravana Tuning and Turbo Tech Racing have them for $99.99 + S&H. Guessing they will be about $120 total, but with TTR you get store credit for purchasing their product.
thevilliagemon wrote:For the SS lines...Gravana Tuning and Turbo Tech Racing have them for $99.99 + S&H. Guessing they will be about $120 total, but with TTR you get store credit for purchasing their product.
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