I orderd a Easystreet Air Ride Kit from a local shop, They do not want me to take the kit home because they said I might loose some stuff then ill have to pay to get those things replaced, they rather i leave it there till they install it, i find that kinda wired, so what i wanna know is how can you tell that all the parts are really from Easystreet?
The only way to really tell is to look in the books that come with the kit and then look at your parts and match them up. Otherwise you can't really tell cause you can get at least most of the parts from a local hardware store.
JUst take a good look at all the big stuff and make sure they use that stuff when they put it on.
WHy do you need to take it home? When are they going to put it on?
If you do take it home they will more than likely say that you lost stuff even if you didnt and try to charge you for more parts.
I am all that is man
One thing i found on my old Easy Street kit, is each of the front bags says air lift on it, oh and there are stickers on each strut that should say "cavalier" and "easy Street" on em
On the other hand....you have other fingers.
THE WORLDS FIRST GAY POTATO!:Amaze and delight your friends, dress it up, take it to the cinema or just sit and admire it's firm silky buttocks and when your bored of it .. lob it in a casserole dish with some onions and carrots.
1Bad02Cav wrote:One thing i found on my old Easy Street kit, is each of the front bags says air lift on it, oh and there are stickers on each strut that should say "cavalier" and "easy Street" on em
i dont know about the stickers but yea the front bags ( well atleast mine do) say air lift on them
yep mine say airlift as well... and there is an adjustment knob on them... that I do not think any of the other kits have,...
<img src="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/bossman/personal_pic.jpg"></img>
easystreet is airlift, its the same company, there should be blue stickers on them go to www.airliftcompany.com i own a suspension/fabrication shop we install alot of airlift components, bags, tanks valves, compressors are made by viair but they may say airlift on them....who is doing the install on them does sound kinda weird that they wont let you take it home, it is yours...
ya mine says airlift and i think bossman is right when he said that only easystreet has the adjustment knob on the front struts at the bottom, i know my old aims didnt have that, later
pic coming soon
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