I'm driving a 2004 cavalier. The breaks are still stock and beginning to squeak a little. I would like to know if any one knows how to change the breaks in this car, or can recomend a book/website that will help me. Thanks so much!
It's cake. Grab a haynes or chiltons manual. and have at it. I think i'm going to have to do the 04' brakes soon too. lol
My Car
thanks man
its easy. take the tire off. on the back side of the caliper there are 2 3/8 allen key bolts. loosen them and slide the caliper off. i suggest a brake tool since it makes it easier to spread the pads back apart. leave the old pads in and compress the caliper back. remove the pads and put in the new ones. put the caliper back on and tighten up the 2 bolts. put the wheel back on and then get in the car and pump the brake about 2-3 times until its stiff again.
ask kitt how to do the brakes
he'll say
You'll never touch God's hand
You'll never taste God's breath
Because you'll never see the second coming
Life's too short to be focused on insanity
I've seen the ways of God
I'll take the devil any day
Hail Satan
(slayer, skeleton christ, 2006)