so i started my car this morning and it was idling VERY rough and after a couple seconds the CEL came on. looked over everything and nothing seemed out of order, and the car was fine last night. any info would be greatly appreciated... its a 2002 ls sport w/ the ecotec
My Car Sucks
have your cel guess is a misfire...
2 reasons i can think of - 1 you used fuel injecotr cleaner and a carbon deposit chunk came off and clogged something in which case you just have to drive it off and it will run normal again - did this without using fuel injector cleaner rofl
or have a problem thats actually a problem which you will have to get checked out
i didnt use any fuel injector cleaner so it cant be that
"rough" would be defined as its idling kinda high, but i didnt allow time for the car to warm up so the high idle most likely is caused from the engine being cold. the car sounds incredibly loud, i did a complete search of the site after i posted this thread and found someone with the identical problem
"Got a 03 Cavy with Manual tranny, and I had been gettin very bad MPG for the last 2-3 tanks ( 400kms/250miles with a tank!!!, of mainly highway. Last winter I was doing 200km more per tank! ). Much less power also.
Then it has begun to idle quite rough and it is definately louder than normal, principally a knocking sound, and I think it's coming from the driver side of the engine. Also, all of a sudden, I seem to be getting much more knocking sounds when the road is bad than 1 week ago. What,s happening?
I know it is kinda vague for you, but it really is annoying. The car has 30,000miles on it BTW. Always been babied, and about 70% of my driving is highway."
that is exactly what the car is doing, but it hasnt been like an ongoing problem. i drove the car last night at like 10pm and it was fine, then this morning at 9am it was doing this??
My Car Sucks
sounds like it most likely is a misfire. go to autozone and get the code read. if its a misfire just change the spark plugs and wires. you will be good to go after that
New sig in the works
no wires
if its a misfire
change the plugs look at the coil springs make sure they are ok
well id love to do that but the gas smells like pure gasoline when its on and is pouring out black smoke. i really dont want to blow myself up in that death trap
My Car Sucks
my roommate had the same problem, we changed the coil and the plugs to no result. took it to the dealer to find that the ignition module was cracked and had gotten water in it. they replaced it and it worked just fine.
dude at 30k you are still under warranty. Don't touch it, just take it in to the dealer.
-da chinchilla
<img src="">
yea the mileage part of the warranty im not worried about. the fact that its been 3 years this month since the car was purchased is what is sketching me out
My Car Sucks
No extended warranty?
So far I've got an engine rebuild, which blew, now a new engine. 5 hours later, clutch burned up. New clutch now. Alternator dies next day. 2 days later battery goes aswell.
I have the same problem with my 2000 Cavalier. Took it to the shop and they said i needed new valves and head gasket.
yea i just tried to take it to the dealership, barely made it out of the garage and it stalled like 3 times. so now im waiting for the free tow compliments of chevy which should be here in like 10 minutes
My Car Sucks
just heard from the dealership, and it was indeed the ignition module... thanks for all the input guys
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