My car; a 1997 Cavalier; will go a few weeks just fine then it will lose all its coolant on the ground. I can't find where it is leaking from, but it doesn't leak steadily just loses it all. Very annoying indeed. Anyone else seen this?
i checked ur profile it is not filled out ones gonna know what type of engine u have...which in turn will hurt your chances of anyone helping you...
If you own the 2.4LD9 check ur AC comnpressor if its covered in fluid...its probably your water pump but now always....jsut speaking from experience
i have a 99 and had the same problem awhile back. the water pump was my first assumption and i was right. slapped a new one on and was good to go. and just recently i noticed i was a little low on coolant again. filled 'er up. better check it before i go home tonite.
Thanks! That is what it ended up being. I had forgotten I posted here. Usually the water pump will just let go but I guess it held on a little at a time. Thanks!