Whenever I get my car running right, I wan't to put a chambered muffler on the car, because the glass pack I have it's just way to loud, poppy, and free flowing.
How do you guys think a regular steel Flowmaster muffler would sound/work with my pacesetter header, high flow cat, and my resonatorless cat back exaust. So basically.....4-1 header, magnaflow cat, flowmaster muffler, and thats it in the piping.
Anyone that's heard my car will know why I'm thinking of doing this, the thing sounds like a rally car. Monza mufflers should be used with cat-backs only.
Don't you ever get a flowmaster on your car! Get a magnaflow 3" tip. But, if you are concerned about the sound, just weld up a resonator on it and call it a day.
Magnaflow muffler seems to be a common choice. Flowmasters tend to be raspy if you get a series thats too low, like a 30 or 40 series. And I second getting a good, long resonator, adds volume to the exhaust, its not best for top end power, but might help with torque vs. going without, and it really deepens the tone and smooths out the sound.
i know how ya feel with the glasspack man. mine is quite loud and is oly getting worse, i shall be watchin what you do to see what i may do.
I'ts got one of those huge pacesetter monza mufflers on it wich is just an oval glass pack muffler. It came with my exaust, and is the only other restriction besides the magnaflow cat I have on it. I'm actually thinking about making the car run well first, and the exaust note second. It's not open enough to make the cel come on, but it has to be close. I've thought about having a cherry bomb glass pack welded in after the cat to act as a resonator (short one), but I'm not sure if thats a good idea. I don't really know anything about resonators as far as brands and what not. I just wan't to tone down the exaust enough that it's reasonable, and more correctly tuned for the car. Are resonators like mini-mufflers inside or how do they work?
the cherry bomb glasspack is used alot as a resonator for our cars. go into the performance section and search exhaust clip sould thread. it was made by darstars and it's spelled that exact way.
2009 Ford Mustang V6
Some of those cherry bombs have a restriction in the pipe at the weld to the body, so if you go that route, look in the one you are wanting if possible, you may want to get the next size bigger inlet/outlet to compensate.
They sell all sorts of mufflers at fleet farm where I live, and there on the shelf so you can take them out of the box and look at / measure them and what not at your leasure, that where I plan on probably getting one if and when I do it.
You don't want a short resonator if you are trying to mellow out your exhaust note. Put the longest one in that will fit right after the cat. I have a magnaflow muffler (part of the RK cat-back) and it was loud and raspy. I initially put in a short (I think 12"??) resonator/glasspack and it helped, but was still stupid loud and raspy. I ended up with what I think is a 28" resonator/glasspack installed just after the cat which made all the difference in the world.
I've heard different things about this: How much restriction does a resonator add?
LD9 F23 FTW!!
That sounds like a good idea. I want to do my msd conversion on my car before I start messing with the exaust. But I'll start checking out cherry bombs in my spare time.
Just so you guys know what I'm having to work with.... if I accidently hit my rev limiter at full throttle, my car sounds like a WRC rally car drifting through a corner in monte carlo. The thing likes to pop when I shift too.
Now I just need to remember what diameter my pacesetter exaust is.
OK maybee I should do my exaust before the coils... I just got pulled over for my exaust for the first time (in my current car anyway). I know dang well, it was just an excuse to pull me over, I was the only car driving through downtown (ran out of smokes), at 5am saturday morning on labor day weekend, I'm sure the fact they could hear me coming was why they pulled me over.
there DWI patrol.
I love it when they ask me if I did something to the exaust. No the car came this way, what do you think. I actually told her that I had a lot of stuff done to the car, and I was thinking about quieting down the exaust anyway.
She was pretty cool (and hot), all she did was tell me I needed to update my address on my liscence and gave me a temp ticket for not having current proof of insurance. Once she knew I was sober and being calm and friendly to her about the situation, I could tell I was in the clear. I actually lauphed a little and said "I was wondering why you pulled me over", when she mentioned my exaust.
I had a 40 series Flowmaster installed and is sounds great. It is fairly quiet at idle, but booms only when you I get on the throttle. It is not as loud as a glasspack straight thru muffler.
To be honest, I'm kinda leaning towards leaving the car the way it is.....but if I do anything, I'm gunna just weld a good sized cherry bomb in shortly after the cat. If I do it, I'll let ya guys know how it works, and try to take some before and after vids for some of you thinking of doing the same thing. Although it won't be in the very near future, but the way this thread is lingering... you never know.
I love the way the car sounds off idle and in parking lots, but to be honest.. it really is a little too loud.
For all of you guys that play Gran Tourismo 4 on PS2......you know the sound most of the 4 banger cars make when you let of off the gas and fire shoots out the exaust(stage 3 racing exaust installed)?......... well, thats EXACTLY how my car sounds off throttle rolling through the wal-mart parking lot,... I'll miss that if I end up changing the exaust, but being hasseld less by the cops would be nice too.
I like the way my Flowmaster 40 series sounds with dual tips, it has a real nice deep tone.. I can wait to hear my new setup with the Flowmaster Super 44 muffler, a 29" glasspack and a magnaflow cat all in 2.5
F/S 00-02 Type J Bumpers front and rear Make me an Offer
OK sorry to bump this back up again, but I need to know something before this weekend.
Some dick cop just wrote me this tonight.
I'm going to install a cherry bomb after the cat, and I'll measure to see how much room I have first.
With the exaust I have... do you guys think a, 18 to 20" cherry bomb would be enought to get the cops to leave me alone, or should I just have the longest one I can find welded in there? I wan't the exaust to sound good, and still promote performance, but I'm tired of getting screwed with too.. what do ya all think.
I'll post before and after vids when I do it for you guys (which might be next week instead of this one depending on how much the ticket is. Thanx guys.
I have a fairly inexpensive, (Otto Racing c/o Pro-Carparts.com), flow through glass pack style muffler as well... I was hesitant to mount it, because I thought it might too loud for a daily driver. I'll be watching this thread to see how the, "cherry bomb-as-resonator" works out for you Weebel.
I've had this muffler siiting around for like 4 years, never had the stones to hack off a perfectly good exhaust; Only to find that the replacement only attracts police attention, not to mention frightens small children, and animals.
btw... Might anyone have a muffler like mine, or at least have a sound clip of such a muffler?
I'd really like to know just how loud, (crappy kind of loud), it would be.
I'm a 6ft. tall, 250+ lb., man, and I proudly drive the Sunfire. My wife drives the half-ton 4x4...
Well, here's a vid of me revving up my car while sitting in the drivers seat I took ahwile ago, this will give ya an idea.
Click the linky to see the video
It's not that loud when just driving the car though
i used a cherry bomb as a resonator, helped to quiet it down a lil bit
^^ thats what I did. (read other post for annoying videos
I personally went with borla catback, pacesetter headers and hi flow cat. with the weapon-r dragon intake, it's a pretty sweet setup, secret weapon to come though
Ahh, I remember when mine sounded like that...leaking pacesetter header,magnaflow cat,and cheap pacesetter muffler.
Just get a dynomax st and like 18" or bigger glasspack, should quiet it down alot and take away alot of the rasp. Im using that muffler and 30" cherry bomb glasspack and no cat. Very deep, and I have some leaks to take care of but when I first got it all together and had no leaks it sounded great and was quieter than when I had a cat.
If you wana wait like a month or so Ill be getting rid of my glasspack and dynomax muffler, both 2.25". Im not expecting much, like $10 plus shipping and you can have them.
^^ Thanx but I already modified the axaust like a month ago... I posted another thread here showing the difference and what I did.
i went flowmaster 40 on my 96 2.2ohv and its sounds damn beefy....and not too loud enless i'm above 4k rpm...i was surprised at how good it sounded since i originally picked it out for the v6 swap coming up. but i bet it would sound just as good on a z24 2.4