I am pulling my motor apart out of my 2002 Cavalier 2.4 Liter. I am wondering if there are any tricks for getting the timing chain housing off the rest of the engine. I got all the bolts out except one behind the timing chain guide by the tensioner. How do I get this bolt off? I have searched my ALLDATA program and they give no help. Thank you!
Maybe I'm not understanding exactly what you are asking, but are you asking how to get the tensioner guide off? Because if memory serves me right, the bolt itself is just a normal bolt with a shaft on the end that the guide pivots on. So, all you should need to remove the bolt itself is a wrench or a deep-well socket. To get the tensioner guide off of the bolt, there is a clip that holds the guide on. You can just use a flat blade screw driver to remove the clip and the guide will slide right off.
I have no signiture
^^ yup.
the water pump bolts also hold it in place IIRC
14.82 @ 97 mph
4 bolts per cam housing, 4 bolts through the oil pan rain into the bottom of the timing housing, 4 bolts around #1 main plus the bolt behind the tensioner shoe ( I may have missed on), 2 bolts for tensioner, and 3 nuts for water pump.