Okay its torn up right now since its getting a new motor should be all done by the begg of this month comming up. But i want a new paintjob...I want the top to be black and some of the side like going to the hood... alittle below the window... Also i want the hood to be black and red sommething on there black so let me see wutcha come up with thanks guys...
And here the front bumper i want on it...
Plus the same color as the red sunfire with the drifter bumper.. cant get really a side picture of the drifter kit but here the best i found a person off car domain...
Well to make things clearer.. Can anyone just put the front bumper on and redo the paint with a solid red and with some black into it like the roof and the side before it goes below the window. Also can somone put some black on the hood or something to change the apperiance to make it looks nice?
you NEED better pics...how do you expect someone to put a bumper on the front of that thing? get a pic of it at about the same angle and with nothing obsructing the view...right now with that angle any chop would look horrid.
Well since I can't get angle pictures I was wondern if you could do the paintjob for my car?? Screw the bumper but i was wondern if u could blend red and black into the hood to get sometihng cool and for the side i was wondern if you keep everything red but have the black on the roof going into the hood... here a better pic for a solid paintjob and where its not torn apart...(old rims)