Does anyone know where abouts near Toronto or Hamilton , Ontario that I can take my amp to be looked at and repaired. Somethings a bit screwy with it. Its an MTX 6500D seems to be cutting in and out. Its not actually cutting out completely if you put your ear right up to the subs you can hear a vey faint sound. Sometimes it cuts back in just by taking the RCAs out then plugging them in again. Doubt the amp is blown haven't pushed it hard at all, it was just running 2 Mtx 10's with 250 rms each. Checked everything out and the problem lies in the amp. Or anyone have any experience dealing with MTX on repairing amps, possibly worth it to send to them.
MTX got back to me said they have a place in scarborough to take it to. Has anyone dealt with these guys before?
I haven't dealt with them personally but I did try to take a Kenwood amp to a repair shop recommended by Kenwood in Hamilton here and they wanted $60 bucks just to look at the thing, even after I told them I knew what was wrong. It had a bad resistor so I only needed a new resistor soldered in, but they still wanted $60 up front and they wouldn't sell me the resisitor either, cause i could have soldered it in myself. So I said "F IT" and I still have the amp sitting at home, if I ever get around to finding the right resistor for it, it'll be good again. Just watch out for shiesty repair shops is what I'm getting at here.
MTX said to take it in, if I go through with the repair just the repair charge, if not $25 to look at it. If you're looking for resistors theres a excellent electronics supply store in burlington that my brother heads to for stuff he needs I'll get the name for ya, they might have what you're looking for.
MDC wrote:MTX said to take it in, if I go through with the repair just the repair charge, if not $25 to look at it. If you're looking for resistors theres a excellent electronics supply store in burlington that my brother heads to for stuff he needs I'll get the name for ya, they might have what you're looking for.
Yeah man, if you could get me the name of the supply store, that would be great. I hopefully then could find the resistor I need to repair the amp and then sell it as I have already bought a new amp to replace it. Thanx again bro.