Hi, I have 2 10" Rockford P2s in a ported box hooked upto a Rockford 3001 amplifer. Its running at what I believe to be 4 ohms. I am sure all the wiring is correct, only problem is one sub (the one closest to the output of the amplifer) seems to be getting a lot more power then the other sub.
I used the wiring that is specifies on the Rockford website:
I am thinking its because the one sub closest to the output is draining all the power in the circut and not providing enough going to the other sub. However I could be wrong. So I just need some help to figure out what the actual problem is and what a solution would be to fix it.
Would running higher ohms be better (like in the second diagram)? Or is there a way I can keep it running at 4 ohms?
Thanks for your help
u cant wire 2 SVC 4ohm subs @ 4 ohms its either 2ohms or 8 ohms,if u have it at 8ohms that could be ur problem, b/c altho an amp will run at 8ohms it will not run properly with that amount of resistance the smallest an amp will go is 4ohmsx2 in stereo or 4ohms x1 mono.....make sure ur amp is 2ohm stable x1 and rewire them,check your jumpers make sure u have everything connected well and proper,alot of people run into this problem w/ audiobahn subs b/c they have 2 + and 2 - on each side of the magnet,and of course check your ground make sure thats clean,if all that is ok it may be the amp? also check ur rca's r plugged in all the way in the back of the radio and amp and make sure the rca's arent getting pinched off anywhere or got ripped ...go0d luck
No everything there is hooked up fine. I have them wired at 2ohms x1. It just seems the one sub furtherthest from the amplifier is not getting the power it need where as the one closest is getting all the power. You can see it when they are pushing. One is pushing harder then the other.
Oh yea I have my wiring at 2 ohms not 4 sorry. I was a little tired when I wrote my question
I dont think "position in line" can have anything to do with your power being outputted...go double check make sure you got em wired right, and check to make sure the coils on both are fine, and is one newer than the other? It might cause the surround to be stiffer and not allow the sub to move as freely...
wysiwyg wrote:i would say they bang, they don't really pound so much. but if
you want to bump, then they will bump and hit real hard and a lot good.
Yeah they were both bought at the same time. Hmm well I think I am just going to take it in and get the guys at visions to take a look at it. They said one might be blown
. But I ran a blown sub on my amp before and it was always going into protect mode so I don't know I guess I will have to see.
So basically instead of taking some of the advice you asked for, you're gonna go to a shop and probably pay to have them fix it? Boy you'll feel stupid if it was a loose wire on a coil or something.
Switch the two subs in order, and see if you get the same thing or not. Could be an easy way to tell....
No I went there they either said it was a loose wire or the sub was blown. They said they would take a look at it and then do a quote from there.
I would probably do it myself if I had a little bit more time but I just went back to school so I am kinda cramped on time.
I am also been actually meaning to get them to run the amp wires properly too. I just havent had the money to do that, but hopefully I can get everything set up right.
I might have also wired them wrong myself thats why I rather get the guys who know what they are doing to look at it. I was thinking if it was something easy I would do it myself but I just dont have the time and they said they would look at it then quote me from there. So I am hoping it is nothing major but I will probably end up paying them to wire the amp right (I think its like $100 or something like that)
But thanks for all the previous advice, wish I could been a little bit more knowledgeable to know what actually is wrong