Its a clarion 15". The box I wanted to be ported according to spec. This is definitely not my strong suit so I'm looking for a big favour. Anyone who could tell me (draw me would be even better lol) what the length, width, depth, and port placement (a square port not a rounded one) would be great and EXTREMELY appreciated.
Thanks in advance guys.
EDIT: wait I'm not positive that the link I posted is the same subwoofer.
thats my woofer. Can someone find me the specs? i picked it up used for cheap so I don't know model number or anything as of yet?
again any help appreciated.
what are you looking for out of it.SPL or SQ.
click to in large
okay, so first i google for images of the your sub to verify that the spec you gave were indeed the correct ones. then i googled a port dimesnsions calculator. Then, because you are a putz and dont know what frequency you want it tuned, I got calculations for 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 and 70 hz. I am also assuming that when you said "square" you meant square and not a slotted port.
Your most basic ported box needs to be 1.83 feet long, 1.83 feet wide and 1 foot tall
You port sizes as follows:
20Hz- 5.1x5.1 and 43.54 inches long
30Hz- 6.25x6.25 and 26.71 long
40Hz- 7.21x7.21 and 17.91 long
50Hz- 8x8 and 12.5 long
60Hz- 8.84x8.84 and 8.64 long
70Hz- 9.54x9.54 and 5.76 lon
Is there any thing else that i can do for you. Perhaps some wine, pills, a BJ
the largest issue for me was indeed finding out if that link was for the subwoofer I have. It is not (no editing button to get rid of it). As you can see in the picture in the link the face of the sub is silver and one solid piece (also says XW series on the cone) while mine does not and has a pattened/wooven cone.
At first it was just an issue of fully understanding the specs on that link, but then I realized that the link was not my sub and I was hoping someone on here knew what the sub exactly was.
Sorry if I come off as a dumb a$$ regarding this stuff. I most certainly am.
what i did was i googled images for 15 inch clarion sub and found one that looked exactly like yours