I just need some ideas of where to run the wire, i know where to run it through the firewall. I need pictures of the carpet out or spots where it fits well and can't be seen when the carpet is overtop.
i have 0 gauge in my car and i ran it on the floor under the carpet next to the drivers seat. ill take some pictures and post them for you.
If you look under your dash there's a rubber grommet where your harness goes through the firewall, to the right of it there should be enough open space to run 0AWG.
as far as the carpet I'd imageine you could run it beside the driver's seat, just pull up your door trim to get an access point. I have two 5AWG's running in mine with no visible carpet bulges.
There's a thin line to be crossed, when the upgrades to your vehicle increase your chance to get tickets by an amount exponential enough to stop worrying and build the fastest, loudest car you can.
^ I found running it under the seat looks a lot nicer when I tried to go that big beside the seat instead of under the carpet didn't look perfect. It didn't look horrible, but I can be picky sometimes.
wysiwyg wrote:i would say they bang, they don't really pound so much. but if
you want to bump, then they will bump and hit real hard and a lot good. 
alright thanks for the info.
just need an idea on how to get the plastic panels out, or does the carpet just pull away if you lift the plastic up. Every time i installed amp wire in my car, i had someone do it for me (stupid me).
to get the door sills out just pull on them... they pop out. One way to make it look better is to take out the seatbelt bolt and run he wire under the attachment point them put the bolt back in.
To make is VERY EASY and Simple.
Remove your Driver Seat (4 13mm nuts)
Pull your Rear Seat bottom up and out
Pull out and up on the B PILLAR Panel, just make it loose. No need to remove it completely
Remove a Torx Bolt for the Seat belt
Pull up and unclip the Panel that covers the carpet.
Once you have it unclipped, FROM the REAR of the car with the Back door open, Remvoe the C- Pillar panel, it just unclips.
Then remove the Lower plastic Panel that cover the trunk opening when the seat is folded down.
Now you can lift up and out towards the rear of the car and remove the panel than goes from the Hood Release Level to the trunk.
It sounds like a lot of work, but it should only take you 10-15 minutes to do this.
Now you can route your Power wire Directly down the Center of the Driver's Side floor. This will make putting the panels back in MUCH easier and you will have to use a little less wire this way.
I've had the panels in both my sedans out MANY MANY times, easier to remvoe them in order to reduce the chance to breaking a panel. Because of our weather here in MI the panels get brittle and tend to break easily if you try to take short cuts and sneak them out form under each other,
ah thank you!
I just gotta order the wire now. Hard to find "cheap" 1/0 gauge.
www.knukonceptz.com...cheapest decent cable you're gonna find that's not used. Shipping is pretty good from them, too. Their KLMX 1/0 ga is $1.75 per foot. I ran 17 feet of power and had just enough to run it to either side of my trunk against the back seat, comfortably. Then just 3ft of ground cable, and however much more you'll need to upgrade the ground on your battery (I grabbed an extra 2ft so I could redo it when I get a different battery). Also, if you can afford it, get compression or set screw style terminals...they're sooooo much easier than trying to get a good crimp by hand (hammer and punch).
I've found people selling 1/0 ga on other forums for about $40-50 for 20ft lengths, but they usually sell fairly quick.
'03 Cavalier
I just ran it under the plastic along the door sill, behind the rear panel, under the rear seat, and inside the plastic pieces behind the seat because my amp is on top so its pretty well hidden. You just pop out the little plastic pins and push down on the panel, it pops right out.
First time I ran 0 Gauge was in a 97 that had the drivers seat already so I ran in on the floor right along the door, there was no sign of bulding in the carpet. Second time was an 04, I didn't remove the seat or anything so I just tucked the wire in the same spot but ran it over the top of where the seat belt mounts, there may be a little buldge there but not very noticable.
Or you can take a few extra mintues and do it right.
Also guys, Sedans are a little more less tolerant of the door sills coming up easily. Our panels goes from the hood release to the trunk. 1 piece.
i'll do it right
i just did an install on my buddys durango, and it was easy, so I know i have the patience to do it right now and hide the wire.
Both of mine were done right, I just didn't remove the seat on the second one, all the panels were removed and the carpet pulled back.