I am trying to "hard-wire" my nav system. My cig lighter doesnt work, so I have to do it this way. Well, after cutting into the cord that goes from the nav unit to the cig lighter, there is 3 wires. a red one (power) a bleck one (ground) and a white one. I am stupmed on what to do with the white one? Is it like the 3-pronge extension cords that go in your house and serves the purpose of a ground? What I am really asking is, can I just hook the power and ground and leave the white one alone and my nav still function? Or do I need to hook it up to a relay of some sort or what? What do I do with the white wire?
98 z24, few upgrades, nitrous on the way!
I'm assuming the white wire has something to do with switched 12v so it turns on when you car does. You should just be able to do + and - and be fine. Open the cigarette lighter part- most likely a few small screws or it just snaps in half. See where each wire goes. + goes to the fuse and then to the springed tip. Negative goes to each or 1 of the sides.
Ok, I will give it a shot and see if I can just hook up the 2 wires. It is just so darn cold I dont want to work!!!!!
98 z24, few upgrades, nitrous on the way!
Well, God D@mn it! I think I blew the whole nav unit up! I tried hooking the positive and negative to the battery with the thing on, and now it wont do ANYTHING! Just my luck... I am going to call customer service and see whats up...
98 z24, few upgrades, nitrous on the way!
try hooking the white wire up as well.

car audio noob since 1984.
well, even if I did try that, I know it wouldnt work. I try using the house charger, and nothing, but I will give it a shot. But I can about guarantee that it is going to do nothing. I'll let ya know.
98 z24, few upgrades, nitrous on the way!
And the outcome is nothing... When I hook the white wire up, it just makes the wires smoke and get real hot. i tried it on the positive and negative... I am down and out! And it is christmas eve to beat it all! Haha!
98 z24, few upgrades, nitrous on the way!
why did you cut the plug?? most of these units run on 5 volts...you probably fried it by sending it 12 volts or more..... The plug is there for a reason it regulates the voltage (on most things). Your suppose to wire it with the plug ON! The tip (nipple) is your 12 volts and the sides is your ground....You may have FUBARed your nav =(
yeah, probably.mIt does say 5v... Oh well, another expensive lesson learned!
98 z24, few upgrades, nitrous on the way!