Hey guys
I am looking for drop in replacements for the rear 4x10s in the 1st gen cars. Not looking to jam anything bigger in there due to depth restrictions. There are about 5-7 brands of 4x10 speakers out there, including Memphis, but no one has them in a board to hear. There is also Kicker, Pyle, Pioneer, a few others
Any opinions specifically on current 4x10s you have heard appreciated. Generalities like 'X brand is OK' will not help b/c we all know somtimes a specific speaker will sound better or worse than the rest of that company's line up.
I have heard the Kicker,pioneer and memphis. If your really looking for rear fill, then the pioneers sounded clear and decent midbass. The memphis were deeper, but vocals and highs weren't as good as the pioneers. Kickers were ok, but the other two sounded better over all.
Yep. That would be the current lin of pioneer I heard. The kenwood's weren't to bad either. A mix between the memphis and pioneers.
Cool. Thanks for the input. I'm looking at cheap set now- I'll give 'em a try.
You can sneak 2 4 inch speakers in the same spot believe it or not.