Hi. Not sure where to put this so I will put it here, as I believe this is a problem with the radio wiring.
A few weeks ago my radio was stolen out of my car. Since then, the cluster lights don't work. The dummy lights and turn signal lights still work, but the gauge illumination lights do not. I figured it was because the wire for the radio illumination was not connected. I installed a new radio the other day and the gauge lights still do not work. I hooked up the radio's illumination wire to the car harness's illumination wire, not the car's dimmer wire. Is this correct? I am hoping it isn't a broken wire from getting ripped out. Any ideas guys?

Go Go OG Traction!!
Yea some wiring going to the IP was probably damaged. Lighting isn't wired in series in the car, each light is fed from a power source.