My forged engine is in and I'm re routing my boost signal lines.
I have multiple lines and don't know where to hook them
Hahn stage 2 with boost controller & boost gauge
So here we go...
intake manifold
Boost gauge
Waste gate
Boost solenoid
What goes where?
I know the boost solenoid out goes to wastegate
Where am I hooking everything else?
Put boost gauge on intake manifold?
Tee everything else off of the compressor?
well you want your boost signals to all come from after the throttle plate, you should invest in a vaccuum manifold to cover all your accessories.
You route vaccuum source direct to FPR/FMU, boost gauge, and all factory accessories.
then you can also route it from the same location OR from the compressor housing to the boost controller. then the boost controller goes to the wastegate as stated.
I have a vaccum manifold, just wasn't sure where everything should get it's signal from....
So compressor to boost solenoid, solenoid to wastegate..
Everything else should be off of the intake manifold?
If that's the route you want to take. I just use the port on the compressor personally.
Slowly but surely may some day win this race...
OK so aaron over at hahn says the FPR/FMU does NOT see vacuum...
Therefore I should not connect it to the intake rather to the compressor hopusing only.
blackbirdracing ® - OK so aaron over at hahn says the FPR/FMU does NOT see vacuum...
Therefore I should not connect it to the intake rather to the compressor hopusing only.
That is Correct !!
This is how I have mine set up.....
Vaccum Port on manifold > "T" > straight off the T is my BOV and then my Boost Gauge.
If you are running a Electronic Boost Controller that uses a boost reference, "T" it between the Boost Gauge hose and the first "T".
If this is confusing I can take some pictures of how my car is set-up.
alright on your FMU is the bleeder valve shut of open...
shut or open?
Also I just have to adjust the pressure to 35 PSI and verify it climbs to 85 under boost right?
I hate putting @!#$ back together...
Open 1/2 turn.....Vaccum hose is attached to the other barbed nipple.
Those pressures should be good for 8-9psi....HP Tuners? or Stock ECM?
Was my explanation good enough for you?