im trying to do a saab kit over the winter. i got all the parts i need to do it just need a little more info....
was wondering where the best place would be to get a oil line to the turbo???? ive got all the info on the drain just need some helpp with the ( in line ).. also wheres the best place to put the drain for the coolant lines??? pics would be grate
heater core lines for the coolant... not sure what you mean by "drain" since they make a loop....
...I am the BEST at what I do...
"I guess your right[BlueBoost]. Me and my slow car are failers."
ive seen many people take it form here (in the front) but where do u put the out line??
For the oil feed tap the oil filter housing.... Dont take it from the head, Herd that its bad for the head to do that.
use the stock saab lines.... so simple and makes for a clean install
the only one you have to fab up is the coolant return, and like stated above hook it up to the heater core line.
search and you should fine a bunch of pictures on this topic, and if not pm me i could prob take a few more pictures of my setup for you.
Adam Lewis wrote:For the oil feed tap the oil filter housing.... Dont take it from the head, Herd that its bad for the head to do that.
This is the very first time i've heard of this. I declare BS! I've had my ecotec head tapped for months and it's running fine. That's where nearly every turbo eco taps for oil feed.
"You can only feed them semen for so long before their legs fall off."