i think my tranny is eff-d. im lazy so i drove to the mailbox down the street, put my mail in, get in my car and go in reverse all the way home, halfway there im doin about 25km/h and it pops out of gear. this isnt the first time either... anyone have the same problem? go try it, see how fast you can go in reverse.
its supposed to
98' Pontiac Sunfire SE
Why in the hell are you being such a dumbass? I hope you hit a tree and hurt yourself. Maybe then you'll learn how to drive.
I used to race cars, now I race myself.
5K PB: 24:50
10K PB: 54:26
right back atcha buddy. im pretty sure i know how to drive though. im asking something called a question and i expect a technical answer... if you can't provide one, don't open your yap and talk sh*t. anyone else know what hardware in the tranny would make this happen? any REAL answers would be appreciated.
no offence, but hypsy is right... your a goof.
rather than ask what hardware in the transmission would cause this t happen, because you better not be trying to mod your tranny so you can go fast in reverse, just dont do it.
its pointless. if cars were ment to go fast in reverse (or if it was even safe) then the transmission wouldnt be designed that way.
some people should just be made sterile, because if they are that stupid, lord only knows what the hell their offspring will be like...
Injection is nice but id rather be BLOWN!