Hey guess, this is my first post and im hoping you guys can help me!
I drive a Saturn L200 with the 2.2L ecotec with the 4t40e tranny.about 110k miles. Now, i've tried saturn forums and have got nothing, I hope you can help me because the cav's have 4t40e's also.
When the car is cold, its fine, or in winter, its fine, but when it gets hoter out and the car warms up; when it shifts from 1st to 2nd it'll have like a shutter, you can feel it in the steering when along with basically the whole car. It wont really do it when i turn and accelerate or when im full throttle. When i "manually" shift from 1st-2nd it wont do it either. its really weird, Im hoping that sometime i can bring it to you for you to check out, like take it out real quick and see what i mean, but I dont have any free time till like, well may. lol i've tried researching it and i've come up with nothing really. only thing i can think of is the torque converter clutch solenoid. any ideas for me to like check out?