After days of asking everyone, everywhere, waiting and hoping for help - nothing. Maybe I should have posted in this forum.
so I'll try again
SO. Yes you change the fluid. how often I do not know.
The getrag tranny take ATF. I recommend Royal Purple ATF. Factory cals for 1.8 quarts. Just fill with 2 quarts.
The getrag has a drain plug towards the bottom of the tranny on the drivers side of the diff hump.
Lastly if you had researched on this forum you will see many post about type of fluid for the getrag. That gives you some insight to changing the fluid.
FU Tuning
Thanks for the reply. I crawled under the drivers side this afternoon and looked around. I also - after years and years of just assuming you added fluid through the easy-to-find huge RED cap, and only recently found that there is an actual different place to fill fluid - searched for that too. Everything is so coated and covered with thick black gunk - that I got myself covered in also, that the fill, drain and check plugs would be hard to find even if I knew what they looked like. But - (and here is where a photo would be soooooo nice to have somewhere), I eventually found what I can describe as three identical looking metallic discs on the end of a stubby cylindrical protrustion. 1 about 2 or 3 inches from the RED vent cap, and two pretty close to each other around the driver's half-shaft coming out of the lower tranny. Am I warm? Cold - totally wrong? I saw that after scraping and scrubbing most of the crud off the one on the top that it takes a HEX key and is definitely smaller than the 3/8" hex that I had with me from my brake caliper job a couple of months ago. So before I run out and buy the wrong size hex key for these things can someone tell me if I have in fact found the check fill and drain plugs and if so, what size allen I need to get them off?
I have always filled thought the red cap. It is the easiest.
The drain is on the hump of the tranny near the bottom on the side. I'm posting a picture, but it is of my tranny from years ago when it was apart. So your looking at the inside of the tranny from the engine side.
So roughly the 7pm position is the bolt hole. Your looking at it from what would be the inside of the tranny. It is a hex. It is a good size one also.
FU Tuning