Has anybody polished painted wheels before? I got a 01 z24 I wanna polish the stock wheels what I've gathered off Google search is strip paint off wheels via 80 grit smooth with 180 then 220 wet directional followed by 400 600 800 1000 1500 2000 then hand polish or in my case ima use a mini buffer I want them to be really Damn shiny just wanna see whats worked for others
I Love My J ♡
Do it.
Still not low enough for a signature.
I plan on it in next cupple weeks
I Love My J ♡
Dont bother sanding the paint off.
Just strip it with aircraft paint remover and sand from there.
Good idea I didn't think about that lol
I Love My J ♡
Interested to see how they come out. Post up some pics along the way.
Ima try and do them this weekend and if I got them done I'll pry just post my number so I can so ppl interested can't figure out the forum pic post on my phone yet lol
I Love My J ♡
Once you're commited, that's it.
Welcome to hell.
Also hand polish and a mini buffer won't do dick to get a mirror shine. I've posted up somewhere in the photos and media forum in 2013 how to achieve that properly.
Be sure to wear gloves for the heat (if the metal isn't getting scorching hot you're doing it wrong) and wear a mask to protect your lungs or you'll be blowing out black snot for a week.
Have fun.
Slowly but surely may some day win this race...
Well let me tell ya lol stripping paint off the face of these wheels is a bitch I tried a spray stripper and brush on and well it didn't do @!#$ hardly so the face will be getting painted black but i did polish the inside of a wheel and I have a pic if anybody wants to see text me at 937-303-2175 I went 220-400-800-1000-2000-hand rub with turtle wax rubbing compound I am gonna redo this next weekend with the other 3 and then mask then up and spray them gloss black
I Love My J ♡
What kind of stripper did you use? Check out this video. I'm going to be following this video when my wheels get here Wednesday.
See when i redo mine ima buff and polish using a buffer wheel on a angle grinder but ima stick with sand paper lol
I Love My J ♡
SweetnessGT wrote:Be sure to wear gloves for the heat (if the metal isn't getting scorching hot you're doing it wrong) and wear a mask to protect your lungs or you'll be blowing out black snot for a week.
This. You just can't get the mirror shine without a lot of heat.
Wheels are a b!tch and a half to do, because there are so many nooks and crannies to shine.
I'm surprised the stripper didn't work. I've stripped a few sets of wheels with the spray on stuff, and they've all cleaned right up after being sprayed off with a hose, with very very little paint left on them.
Man i tryed two kinds lol spray autozone and went to ace and got gel type they stripped inside good but out side was a joke lol
I Love My J ♡
You can always have them sand blasted
Snowman wrote:You can always have them sand blasted
Not if you don't want to make more work for yourself...he's polishing them, not painting them.
Media blasted maybe. Sand blasting with pit the hell out of them.
Yeah aluminum is way to soft to sand blast baking soda would be fine or walnut shells but not sand lol and now ima just polidh lip and inside then paint face gloss black
I Love My J ♡
Not bad not bad. Keep up the good work.
that was a quick job that wheel is bent so I just wanted to get a idea of how well it would work but ima get ss Camaro look alike wheels from tire rack with 225 45 16 bfg g force tires then ima polish the lips and insides on those and paint face gloss black itll look nasty
I Love My J ♡