i remember reading somewhere that you can shorten your shifter simply by cutting some of it off with a hacksaw, i'm a little new to the standard game: what is the big advantage of this?
eh it helps some what i did it as well before i got my b&m. the real short shifters are much better but it will work if thats what ya wanna do. wont hurt anything.
experience the "tilt"....... Yeah the whole right side of your car when im passing your a$$.......
if you just trim some off the top, it'll be pretty much for look..haha unless you have a 2nd gen and the shifter is 2 feet tall..ne-waz. Short shifter basically shortens the throws needs to place into gear. so if you short the top of the shifter and lengthen the bottom(on the part before the cables but after the pivot). You'll end up with a short shifter