k so I have those @!#$ty autoloc solenoids that i will never buy again and today the shaft actually came right out of the sleeve. Can you even fix this or is it gabage now?
i don't have any experience with autolocs solenoids but if it's like any i've used before, the shaft should just slip right back in and still work.
it does slip right back in but nothing is holding it in so it just comes right out.
IDK then
I'm thinkin they're bad but maybe you can rig something so they can't come out.
whatever I already ordered the spal ones today
Im sick of autoloc never buy anything from them again
that works
from what i here more and more, autoloc is like the walmart of car customization
Yes they should slip right back in and to prevent it from happening again you need to lenghten your cable a little. By doing so the shaft would pull so far out of the solenoid as to not pull back in. Just did mine this weekend, you only need to pull the latch about 1/2" .
Good luck!
I really don't fully understand what you mean. You want me to lengthen the aircraft cable that pulls the latch open? If I do that it won't pull the latch down cause it was already long I was takin it out to shorten it so it would pull it better